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Jsp发邮件例子,调试好你的JAVA环境,在浏览器中打开useSMTPApplet.html 文件,即可浏览发送EMAIL的表单页面,如下图所示。运行此程序需要j2ee.jar 文件,将此文件拷贝到useSMTPApplet.html 文件所在目录下或者在环   境变量中设置路径后程序才能正确执行。-Jsp email example, good debugging your JAVA environment, open useSMTPApplet.html file in a browser, you can browse to send EMAIL form page, as shown below. J2ee.jar files needed to run this program, copy the file to the directory where the file or set the path useSMTPApplet.html the program to run properly in the environment variable.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 赵坤东

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Python写的代码行统计工具,支持Python 2.x/3.x。 可以统计的代码包括C/C++,Java,python,html等,并且非常方便的加入其他代码的统计。 最简单的用法就是拷贝此文件到源代码目录,直接双击执行, 如果带一个参数,则是要分析的目录名, 第二个参数之后的各参数则是要排除的文件或目录列表,目录中有空格则需要使用引号括起来-Lines of code written in Python statistical tools, support for Python 2.x/3.x. Statistical code can include C/C++, Java, python, html, etc., and is very easy to add additional code statistics. The simplest use is to copy the file to the source code directory, double-click execution, if one argument, it is the name of the directory to be analyzed, the parameters after the second parameter is a list of files or directories to be excluded, the directory spaces you need to use quotation marks
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : cdhigh

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简单的记事本代码,能够保存文件,打开文件,进行编辑,如复制、黏贴、剪切,是Java新手的好样例。-Simple notepad code, can save the file, open the file, edit, shear, such as copy paste is a Java beginners of fleas
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 王明阳

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LimEditor由JAVA语言编写,仿EditorPlus界面,实现了文件的新建、打开、保存、另存为、退出、撤消、重做、设置字体(包括颜色和字号、风格等)、剪切、复制、粘贴、删除、查找(及查找下一个)、替换(替换全部)、转到(Go To..)、全选(Select All)、时间日期(TimeDate)、自动换行(Word Wrap)、字体(包括样式和大小)、状态栏、帮助主题.-LimEditor by JAVA language, imitation EditorPlus interface to achieve a new file, open, save, save as, exit, undo, redo, set the font (including color and font size, style, etc.), cut, copy, paste, delete look for (and find the next one), replace (replace all), go (Go To ..), Select (Select All), date (TimeDate), wrap (Word Wrap), fonts (including the style and size ), status bar, help topics.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2004992 Publisher : feng

FileSearch This application find all files and copy only files with specified suffix (type). Application reading file signature in hex and compare with specified template. In uational version, supported only exe and apk files. U can change type of files, changing constant FILESTYPE in For testing - run HeaderFiles and specify two arguments, with space separated. Arguments: 1st - source-folder, where U want find files, with specified suffix 2nd - destination-folder, where U want copy finded files-FileSearch This application find all files and copy only files with specified suffix (type). Application reading file signature in hex and compare with specified template. In uational version, supported only exe and apk files. U can change type of files, changing constant FILESTYPE in For testing - run HeaderFiles and specify two arguments, with space separated. Arguments: 1st - source-folder, where U want find files, with specified suffix 2nd - destination-folder, where U want copy finded files
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 14336 Publisher : Roman

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零拷贝技术实现:用java实现文件零拷贝简单demo。-Zero-copy technology: Using java to achieve zero-copy file simple demo。
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : ping

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java实现的文件管理器源码,实现了复制、粘贴、删除、新建、重命名、属性查看和刷新功能。-File Manager source java implementation to achieve the copy, paste, delete, new, rename, view and refresh function attributes.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9808896 Publisher : 吴联合

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(1)、本程序为java课程设计,参考Windows自带的记事本做了简化。用java编写swing界面,当中实现了事件监听的功能,实践了java课程多方面的内容 (2)、功能实现 A、能够实现普通的记事本所有的新建,保存,打开的文件,在修改程序里面的字符后,能够按照操作者的意愿保存到相关的路径。 B、能够对程序里面的字符进行普通记事本所能实现的复制,剪切,粘贴的功能。 C、够对程序里面的字符进行查找操作,并对其进行替换操作。 D、能进行全部删除的操作,在进行全删操作时会给出是否保存文件的提示。 (3)、程序设计主要考虑了程序的完整性和规范性。界面符合Windows常规,能够用相关按钮的快捷键来进行操作,较为多样化。 (4)在对记事本内的文字进行全部删除操作的时候,有比较友好的提示信息,同理,在已有文字的记事本中,在此基础上新建,同样有相同的友好提示建议使用者保存。 (5)在帮助信息里面,添加了制作者的信息。 -(1), the procedures for java curriculum design, the reference Windows notepad been simplified. Using java swing interface, which implements the event listener function, practical aspects of the content of java programs (2), function realization A, enables ordinary notepad all new, save, open the file, modify the program inside After the characters can be saved to a path in accordance with the relevant operator wishes. B, which can program the characters that can be achieved ordinary notepad copy, cut and paste functions. C, enough to program the characters inside the search operation, and its replacement operation. D, can carry out all delete operations, it will prompt whether to save the file deleted during the whole operation. (3), a program designed primarily to consider the program' s integrity and normative. In line with the regular Windows interface, you can use shortcut keys to operate related buttons, more diversified. (4) of the text in Notepad, delete all operations carrie
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 684032 Publisher : 于冰

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设置Windows系统中JDK(JAVA)、MinGW(GCC)、NASM三种编译器的系统环境变量。 本程序依据三种编译器安装目录的不同关键字自行区分设置。 复制可执行文件到编译器的安装目录下,右键以管理员身份运行即可。 最终版本:运行即生效,无需重启;已存在与当前目录不同的目录会自动修改。本人只会这三种语言,等以后学习别的语言,有必要再修改吧。-Setting Windows system JDK (JAVA), MinGW (GCC), NASM three kinds of compiler system environment variables. This procedure based on three kinds of compiler installation directory different keywords distinguish themselves set. Copy the executable file to the compiler installation directory, right to run as administrator. The final version: Run takes effect without rebooting and the current directory will automatically modify different directories already exist. I only three languages, so after learning other languages, it is necessary to amend it.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 15360 Publisher : whoozit

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一个跨浏览器,跨平台的所见即所得在线HTML编辑器 把任何HTML文本成为一个WYSIWYG编辑器,只要4行代码! 容易改变的外观和感觉使用自定义皮肤 没有慢的Java或ActiveX组件 写在ASP , JavaScript ,而在DHTML 复制并粘贴清洁的HTML从Word中使用wordtidy ™ 技术 形象和文件上载,内置在文件浏览器 打开和保存创建的文件在Web wiz丰富的文本编辑器 编辑源代码,只需简单的点击 插入图片,文件,表格,等等。 编辑和创建文本使用的各种样式和字体-A cross browser, cross platform, see that the resulting online HTML editor To put any HTML text into an WYSIWYG editor, as long as 4 lines of code! Easy to change the look and feel of the use of custom skin No slow Java or ActiveX components Written in ASP, JavaScript, while in DHTML Copy and paste the clean HTML Word using wordtidy Technology Image and file upload, built in file browser Open and save the files created in wiz Web rich text editor Editor source code, simply click on the Insert pictures, files, tables, etc.. Edit and create a variety of styles and fonts used in the text
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 521216 Publisher : cmpudn98

inyXML一款很优秀的操作C++类库,文件不大,但方法很丰富,和apache的Dom4j可以披靡啊!习惯了使用java类库的我看到这么丰富的c++类库,很高兴!它使用很简单,只需要拷贝几个文件到你的工程中,没有STL也可以编译运行。(InyXML is a very good operating C++ library file is not, but the method is very rich, and Apache Dom4j can be invincible! Accustomed to using the Java class library, I am so happy to see such a rich c++ class library! It's easy to use, just copy a few files into your project, and you can compile and run without STL.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 290816 Publisher : developerpu

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SAP部署 连接sap系统需要通过sap javaconnect来连接,对于sapjco.jar系列文件有32位与64位之分。即对jdk有严格要求。现说明客户端部署及服务端部署两种情况: 一、 部署客户端(基本没啥用,我现在已经部署到服务端了) a) 确定本机使用JDK版本,一般均为32位。 b) 将相对应位数的librfc32.dll、sapjcorfc.dll、msvcp71.dll、msvcr71.dll四个文件拷贝至system32,其中前两个文件是必须拷贝。 c) 将相对应位数sapjco.jar拷贝至对应模块lib下,然后将其部署好。 d) 这步很重要,若只是执行java最简单的main方法倒没影响,若是plugin工程,必须配置classpath,具体是找到fragment.xml中的runtime将sapjco.jar加载进来。(SAP deployment The connection to the SAP system needs to be connected through the sap javaconnect, which has 32 bits and 64 bits for the sapjco.jar family file. That is, there are strict requirements for jdk. The client deployment and server deployment are described in two cases: First, the deployment client (basically no use, I have deployed to the server) A) make sure that this machine uses the JDK version, typically 32 bits. B) copy the relative number of librfc32.dll, sapjcorfc.dll, msvcp71.dll, and msvcr71.dll)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4261888 Publisher : 王大哥

C# 定时任务类库,定时执行,,winform( 1. INTRODUCTION ---------------- This is the README file for Quartz.NET, .NET port of Java Quartz. Quartz.NET is an opensource project aimed at creating a free-for-commercial use Job Scheduler, with 'enterprise' features. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Also, to keep the legal people happy: This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( 2. KNOWN ISSUES --------------- No known issues at the moment. 3. RELEASE INFO ---------------- This release corresponds to Java Quartz version 2.2. For API documentation, please refer to Quartz.NET site:
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6320128 Publisher : 355911097

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SunLightFace.dll是按WINDOWS API的标准调用来生成的动态库,并提供了VC,C#,JAVA,VB四类范例代码,精简扼要,如果因VS版本问题无法打开,可以用其它文件编辑器打开.CPP,.H,.CS,.frm,.bas等文件来进行分析。 用户实际做应用项目时,可以直接粘贴范例代码到自己的工程中运行,只是注意调节好适当的参数值即可。 注:要把识别能力调好,照搬范例代码是不够的,需要仔细阅读本文档,做一些参数的设置和调节。(SunLightFace.dll WINDOWS API is according to the standard for dynamic library generation, and provides VC, C#, JAVA, VB four class example code, streamlined point, if you cannot open the VS version of the problem, can use other file editor to open the.CPP,.H,.CS,.Frm,.Bas and other documents to analyze. When the user is actually doing the application project, you can directly paste the sample code into your own project, just pay attention to adjusting the appropriate parameters. Note: it is not enough to adjust the ability of recognition and copy the example code. It is necessary to read the document carefully and make some parameters setting and adjusting.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6932480 Publisher :

This mailing contains: (1) executable jar file: EKG-MonitorV1.0 (double click to start) (2) executable jar file: EKG-MonitorV1.0-SRC includes all sources and directories, using eclipse 3.2 (3) test data, 360 Hz sampled (4) this README file (5) BlueJ Project: (6) Plain Sources Zipped: 9. 9.2006 V1.0 4.10.2006 added BlueJ project, added plian sources zipped // //=============================================================================== // Elektor EKG Monitor //=============================================================================== // Herzschlag Monitor ist eine JAVA implementation eines 2-Kanal EKG-Monitors. // Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 FH HTA & MK // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // You may contact us via email at: (or // Paper mail may be sent to: // HTA Luzern // Martin Klaper // Technikumstrasse 21 // CH-6048 Horw // Switzerland //===============================================================================
Update : 2023-11-21 Size : 610312 Publisher : AlipayLogin_20**************
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